Wednesday 30 September 2015

School Council

Congratulations to Krysta, Hattie, Eleanor, Aidan, Aaron and Fallon who make up the school council this year!

We will meet every Monday lunch-time to discuss any suggestions put into suggestion-boxes.  The school-council will then feed-back to their classes and there will be an entry regarding the school council made in each newsletter, so that the whole school is kept informed about the work of the school council.

So far this term, we have discussed:

Our school council representatives have been talking to their classes about what e-Safety is and how to stay safe online.

A wish list for FOGGS
They have shared a wish list with the PTA to provide suggestions for any fund-raising this year.

The school council will be hosting an anti-bullying assembly on Monday 12th October.  They will talk to the school about what bullying is; what bullying isn't and what you should do if you ever feel you are being bullied or you ever witness bullying.

Traffic (before and after school)
They are also going to be launching a campaign to encourage children to walk to school (or, at the very least, walk part of the way to school!) to help keep children healthy and to ease the congestion at the beginning and end of the school day. Keep your eyes on our newsletter to find out more!

I am confident that the school council have a productive year ahead of them!

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